“The Jasmer Challenge is a very unique and very ambitious geocaching adventure. The concept is simple: you must find at least one geocache that was placed in every month back to the start of geocaching in May of 2000. You then get to surf the waves of time, with an infinite challenge that adds every month!  The real challenge:  finding enough of those old caches to complete the grid! To celebrate those infinite surfers, are friends at CreaCoins® came up with this very unique and amazing Jasmer Challenge geocoin!”
Marty Evans – Groundspeak (Geocaching.com)

I tried for a year long to come up with a special design for this geocoin. It was a mint that persistently promoted UV-printing on a 3D surface that turned around the whole concept for my design and resulted in a design I was very pleased with.
But I still wanted one more extra attractive element and then decided to keep the areas showing the sea as transparant material so it would show such a depth when held against the light as if one was in the ocean together with the turtle.
The final design was born after almost 2 years of work on the drawing table!
Luc De Haes – CreaCoins®

“In October 2021 we (Luc De Haes, the designer aka spockske and Katrijn aka JazzyMouse) spent almost a month to discover Namibia, this most unique and beautiful country, and do some wonderful caches. After many concepts and designs the final design for a Namibia Souvenir Geocoin was completed. During my travel in Namibia I collected Kalahari sand to be part of the geocoins as you can see in this picture.”
Luc De Haes – CreaCoins®

“This coin was made to fundraise for Stopdarmkanker vzw, which is a Belgian non-profit organisation that strives for the most early as possible detection of colon cancer by spreading prevention knowledge and informing people.
It was ordered by the Belgian Geocoin Association. The fundraise resulted in a 2020 Euro donation to Stopdarmkanker.”
Youry De Winter – Belgian Geocoin Association

“This is one of 11 coins to commemorate famous Belgians. One was made for each of the 11 regions (10 provincies and the capital area of Brussels). The picture shown here is the frontside of the coin made about Adrian de Gerlache, an officer in the Belgian Royal Navy who led the Belgian Antarctic Expedition of 1897–99, the first to winter in Antarctica. In 1896, he purchased the Norwegian-built whaling ship Patria, which, following an extensive refit, he renamed as the Belgica. He set sail from Antwerp on 16 August 1897.”
Luc De Haes – CreaCoins®

“This geocoin was made to be given as a mystery gift to geocoin collectors. Being a “mystery” gift we can’t disclose the customer’s identity. It’s a custom among collectors to show their friendship in a discrete way and show they are valued for their collector’s community membership.”
Luc De Haes – CreaCoins®

“This pin was made to commemorate attendance to the GeoCoinFest Europe in 2017 that welcomed over 1400 attendees. It was ordered by the Belgian Geocoin Association who organised this mega event in Aarschot (Belgium).”
Youry De Winter – Belgian Geocoin Association