Cross Cultural Effectiveness

Leuvion® develops your competence to manage different cultural values in your business environment. Not just tips and tricks. You can read those in any intercultural guide. Leuvion digs deeper and introduces you to global business skills and how to benefit from cultural differences in your global environment, through in depth cultural value discussions and aimed at creating a cross cultural effective attitude. To that end Leuvion delivers workshops customized for different target groups:

  • Cross Cultural Effectiveness workshops for people working globally with colleagues, customers and/or suppliers and needing a broad understanding of different cultural values.  The standard workshop is a 2-day interactive training  but we customize depending on the target group and the desired focus on different topics.
    Download: Cross Cultural Effectiveness.
  • Building Effective Global Teams workshops for managers managing virtual teams worldwide. The standard workshop is a 2-day interactive training  but we customize depending on the target group and the desired focus on different topics.
    Download: Building Effective Global Teams.
  • Cross Cultural Effectiveness in Global Sales workshops for global account managers who want to benefit from working with customers from different cultures. Cases and subjects focus of on the reality of selling worldwide. The standard workshop is a 2-day interactive training but we customize depending on the target group and the desired focus on different topics.
    Download: Cross Cultural Effectiveness in Global Sales.
  • International Presentation Skills workshops for managers who want to effectively communicate ideas and information to an international audience, through presentations. The standard workshop is a 2-day interactive training.
    Download:  International Presentation Skills.